Sophie: Shhhhhh...don't tell Mommy that I am watching her! I'm making sure she is doing her job the right way!
It looks like a hard job! So I'm right here if she needs some kitty assistance!
Even if she doesn't think I'm paying attention, I really am. That's what we kitties do!
Mya Boo Boo: Whatever tubs! We all know that this Siberian girl is the real one in charge! It's my world and I just allow you to live in it! Plus, I really like those little cat treats you get.
Mommy likes it when I am keeping her company. She says it helps her do her job much better!
Mya Boo Boo: See! The cats fell asleep on the job!
Hello there movie lovers! The Painter Pack Cats are happy to announce their weekly (or as often as we can get Mommy to help us do it) movie review!!
Salem Here! I wanted to go first because I just loved this movie with all the dinosaurs! Of course, large cats would have been much better. But Hollywood has to work with the talent they have, right!
My favorite parts of the movie were the Raptors! I especially like Blue. She was a rockstar! And of course, she was a girl! Now, I don't want to give anything away. So, here is my review!!
It was very dramatic. I liked all the loud roars and visual effects. The story was pretty good too. And I liked the ending a lot. Looking forward to a sequel...So, I gave it 2 paws up! *****************
It's my turn now. Sophie here...and I wasn't quite as thrilled as my younger sister. It was a good movie, but I don't like all the roars. What I did like was T-Rex...roar and all! Now that is a dinosaur! True, cats would have been more exciting and visually dynamic...but there probably weren't enough cats available to do such an epic movie. We do lead very busy lives you know. However, I still had to give the movie 2 paws up because I really did enjoy it!
So there you have it. The girls have spoken and each gave the summer blockbuster 2 paws up! That is awesome! As for us humans, we REALLY liked it. The Jurassic movies have always been a favorite in our home. We used to have all the originals on DVD but some pup--I believe it was Jedi, back in the day, had a grand time chewing on one of them. Anyway, what I really enjoyed was the fact that there wasn't a lot of useless bad language and nudity. Just epic dinosaurs and of course, Chris Pratt!!! All in all, if dinosaurs are your thing, a definite must see. So, humans give it 2 thumbs up! Cause we have thumbs!
Hope you have enjoyed our review. Remember, we do not own anything having to do with this movie, its makers or awesome actors. We are just cats who love dinosaurs!!! Rock on word...rock on!!!