Meow!!!!! Meow!!!!! Salem here! Guarding the galaxy through Mommy's window. Well, guarding the yard at least. It is a job that I take seriously!! After all, there are birds out there!!!
And here is the Siberian...acting like she's all in charge. I'm not afraid of Mya Boo Boo and she knows it. Big fluffy butt better watch out!
Since the yard is so big, I guess it could be a two woman job!
So for now, we'll guard together. Only because Mya's attention span is so short, she will give up and move before the end of this blog!!! You just wait! Hmmp!
Silly dogs. It's why cats rule! Especially in guarding the galaxy!!! Salem aka Ninja Cat
Please take a moment today to wish our CoCo Bean a happy 11th birthday! She's been a mama's girl since she was 6 weeks old! We got her and her litter mate Doodle from a "free to good home" ad. Best decision ever!
Yes, she is a diva!
CoCo is a fierce watch dog. She is part Australian Shepherd and part German Shepherd (so we were told).
We've always said, she has a small frame but a big set of toofers! Once she grabs on, she won't let go. Just ask Mya Boo Boo...the two do not like each all. They have to be kept separate. But, that hasn't stopped CoCo from grabbing Mya's butt as she walked by the crate..Seriously.
CoCo and our old man Jack were always together. They really loved each other. When Jack left us last June 2014, CoCo mourned his passing.
Thankfully, CoCo and Reesie are BFF's! But CoCo rules the house.
During the warm months, we buzz her down because her coat is so long and thick. She loves it!
So here is our CoCo! Eleven years old and such a joy! She loves her nice little t-shirts and collars. A true girlie girl!
And here is our Doodle. He left us in 2009 after a sudden onset of severe seizures.He and CoCo were a typical brother and sister. They got along, mostly.
Doodle was a love bug. He would snuggle against you and keep you warm! He loved to sleep with his mama.
So, happy 11th birthday to you Doodle. The Rainbow Bridge is partying up a storm right now, celebrating your big day. Cake and ice cream!
To both of my babies...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!